What is Romé Potó?  A.k.a  Rapé or Hapé

What is Romé Potó? A.k.a Rapé or Hapé

Romé Potó is a sacred snuff received as a spiritual medicine by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon. It has been used for thousands of years by our Amazonian ancestors mainly in Brazil.

Traditionally, the Pajé, (shaman) or medicine man (healer) of the village would prepare these sacred snuffs using their native plants.  They would carefully burn parts of their sacred trees (bark, branches, leaves and seeds) to create a special ash.  Then they would combine the ash with other sacred plant powders to create sacred blends.  Depending on the ashes and plants used, each Romé Potó would have its own unique spiritual and medicinal values.  Beyond the plants and ashes used, the sacred snuff also contained the energy of the Pajé, their intentions, medicine songs and prayers.

Nowadays, Romé Potó continues to be produced traditionally but other members of the tribes (not just the Pajé) and even female members are producing it. For us, it's exciting to know our native sisters are not only involved in making Romé Potó but there is some Romé Potó blends created only by women.

Why the word "rapé" and "hapé"?

When the Brazilians encountered the natives, they observed them using Romé Potó.  Since they did not speak their native language, they used the word rapé to describe their sacred snuff.  Rapé literally means snuff in Portuguese and in Spanish (google it) Even though written with an 'r', Brazilians pronounce rapé with an h sound.  So this is why many people mistakenly write the word "rapé" with an h, as in hapé.  Some even to the extent of writing it as "hapeh" or "rapeh".

Rapé simply means snuff and we choose to respectfully call it by itś native given name, Romé Potó.  The natives did not have a written language in the past but Romé Potó is the most common and accepted spelling among the natives now.

How was Romé Potó used traditionally?

Traditionally, Romé Potó was used to remove 'panema" (negative energy).  It helped the natives to cleanse, purify and purge.  The Pajé (healer) used Romé Potó to connect with nature spirits, the spirit of the jungle, the spirit of the sacred plants and with his own spirit.  

Romé Potó helped them to be more grounded, centered, and balanced.  They would use Romé Potó prior to hunting for strength, protection and focus.  Any challenges or conflicts amongst them, they would use this sacred medicine to clear the negative energy and bring harmony and peace. Romé Potó was used for tribal bonding and brotherhood connections.  

Romé Potó was also received in combination with other sacred medicines and plants like Uni (Ayahausca) and Kambó.

Why the use of Rome Poto?

Romé Potó can serve as a spiritual guide. It gives you profound teachings, guidance and wisdom to help be more aligned with your true self.  Romé Potó can help you to ground yourself in the present moment, balance yourself with nature and align your heart with your spirit.

Romé Potó is used for spiritual protection in master plant journeys like Ayahuasca.  It can both protect you from receiving negative energies from others purging as well as cleansing you from anything absorbed. 

What are the benefits of Romé Potó for modern times?

In modern times Romé Potó has many values. If received with clear intentions, and proper guidance, Romé Potó can help you to purge negative thoughts, feelings and emotions.  By releasing this, It can inspire you to have feelings of peace, harmony, and balance in that moment.  Many brothers and sisters use Romé Potó when they feel "heavy", and burdened Romé Potó can help you release the "negative weight", by clearing your mind and helping you feel more uplifted.

At the physical level, Romé Potó is an amazing sacred medicine! Many tribal members have testified Romé Potó helped them with letting go of bodily pains and discomforts.  The spirit of Romé Potó knows exactly where to flow in the body and unblock stagnant energies that are causing the pain. It can help you to feel physically calm and relaxed, allowing your body to restore and rejuvenate.  Romé Potó also helps in clearing your sinuses and assisting the body to heal flu-like infections, like the common cold and congestion.

Romé Potó can be a perfect spiritual tool to be combined with meditation, yoga, breathwork and ceremonies to enhance, expand and evolve spiritual experiences.  Many members make the use of Romé Potó as a daily ritual and practice in the morning and evening.  For some, Romé Potó can help you receive better sleep, experience vivid dreams and even lucid ones.


Whether daily use, ceremonial use or 'twice in a blue moon', the spirit of Romé Potó can serve, assist and help you be more aligned with your authentic self.

May the spirit of the Romé Potó continue to uplift, purify and guide you! 

Viva Romé Potó! 

A'ho! Haux! Amen! 

Your Sacred Medicine Brother,

Nai Na Txene.

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